
Our Partnership Approach

Our unique Partnerships enable CCG to offer its clients and candidates an unbeatable advantage.

Our integrated offer is open to all candidates and ensures that CCG programmes are always ahead of the game, meet the rapidly changing job market and are cost-effective.

MirrorWave. At CCG we are always looking at ways of keeping ahead of the game. A great way to do that is by knowing and mapping out what each of our candidates is really thinking as they work through their programmes. So, we listened and learned from them, adopting the innovative New Zealand developed Relationship Journey Mapping programme called MirrorWave. Our unique and exclusive adaptation of MirrorWave for our Career Transition, Outplacement and Development support uses a longitudinal approach to listen and respond to people as they go through their CCG experience. This opportunity is made available to all of our candidates

By regularly asking just three questions, we can build up both individual and strategic perspectives. This allows for continual evolution in the way we want to achieve our desired outcomes. In CCG’s case, our goals are twofold: to ensure our individual candidates always get the best possible 1:1 support and to learn what to incorporate into our programmes to ensure we continually improve our offering to Clients and Candidates to keep you ahead of the game.

Rutherford Rede. A long-established and reputable NZ wealth management company which specialises in providing expert Financial Planning, Investment Strategy and Retirement Planning advice to build financial security for individuals. Rutherford Rede provide all of our Candidates with a financial overview handout that relates to each individual’s situation as well as a free consultation with each individual (and partner) to explore their Personal Financial Plan.

Career Perfect. Career Perfect is a global leader in career job search. Their InSight™ tool helps individuals to clarify and prioritize their values as they pertain to their working life. The more your work life reflects your most highly regarded values, the more fulfilled you likely will be.

Loffty. A cutting-edge NZ organisation leading the way in the measurement of individual well-being. Their Work Well Being Measurement tool is available to all CCG Candidates and aims to improve individual wellness. It offers unique insights that are totally confidential to each individual but may make a real difference at they move through challenging times. This future-focussed opportunity is exclusive to CCG. 

Career Hunter and Career Fitter. As Affiliates we are able to offer our clients and candidates a wide range of Career and Psychometric Assessment tools from these global influencers. These tools provide valuable guidance and include Premium Career, Career Interest, Work Personality, Career Motivators, Abstract Reasoning, Numerical Reasoning and Verbal Reasoning. This enables us to tailor our approach to each individual’s needs.

ICG. The Internal Consulting Group is one of the world’s fastest growing consulting and project services firms. Their business model is consistent with future models of work: it brings together adhocracies (temporary project-based teams that capture opportunities, solve problems and get results) and facilitates expertise and capacity augmentation. It does so using a unique unbundled consulting approach. Our partnership with ICG, who spend much of their time in organisations undertaking transformation programmes gives us unique insights into what is happening at the cutting edge of change in the workplace. This too helps us to continually evolve our programmes to ensure we, our clients and candidates are always ahead of the game.